Phone: 847-838-8920


Degrees and Certifications:

Masters in Leadership Innovation Wisconsin Lutheran College Bachelor of Science of Education Eastern Illinois University Endorsement in Middle School Education Eastern Illinois University

Mrs. Jasinski

My name is Jennifer Jasinski and I am a 4th grade teacher here at WC Petty. I graduated from Eastern Illinois University in 2011, and I just graduated with my master’s degree in leadership innovation from Wisconsin Lutheran College in May. This is my second year teaching 4th grade at WC Petty, and I love it here! Before coming to Petty I taught grades 1, 2, 5, and 6. I also spent 3 summers acting as a summer school principal for The Center of Urban Teaching.

In my free time I love to read. I am a member of book of the month, and I try to read at least one book each month. I also like to watch football and participate in a draft every year. Last October, I married my husband, Jason. We had a great time celebrating our special day with our family and friends. When I am not working I enjoy spending time with Jason and our dog Fenway. Fenway is a Boston Terrier with a big personality. When able we like to be outside, and we like traveling to new places. In October we got to go to Memphis, Tennessee for the first time and that was a lot of fun! 

I am so excited to learn about my students and share fun strories, times, and learning together in our classroom both virutally and hopefully in person as well!


Contact Me


Classroom Phone: 847-838-8920 (Please email to schedule a phone call)

Classroom Dojo: Click Here