Welcome to Physical Education at Oakland Elementary School !!!
Welcome to physical education at Oakland Elementary! I'm Mr. Staver, and I'm in my 31st year of teaching PE in District 34! I'm looking forward to my fifth year at Oakland this year. I'm lucky to teach with Mrs. Johnson, the other PE teacher at Oakland. We're joined by Mr. Risch and Mr. Lozano on the PE team.
Feel free to contact me anytime by email at sstaver@antioch34.com or by phone at 847-838-8935.
- A separate pair of shoes left at school specifically for PE is not required, but students must be prepared daily with appropriate shoes. Dry, clean shoes that are appropriate for physical activity are required.
- 3rd-5th grade students will take part in the FitnessGram physical fitness assessment program twice during each school year--during the fall and spring.
- Students who are not yet adept at the skill of shoe-tying should be practicing daily. This is very important for safety and allows students to spend more time working and less time tying shoes.
- We will be teaching a number of health standards and concepts during physical education. Some info about the District 34 health curriculum can be found here: English Spanish