Ms. Tolhurst, Orchestra Director & 6th Grade World Music

  • AUGS Orchestras, World Music, D34 4/5 Orchestra


    Classroom News...



    Welcome All:


    This site is dedicated to the goings on of the AUGS Orchestras, World Music and the D34 4th/5th Grade Orchestra. 


    10 Amazing Reasons To Join Orchestra:


    1. Be Part of a team 

    2. Builds confidence

    3. Increases creativity

    4. Challenges yourself

    5. Develops language and problem solving skills

    6. Healthy emotional outlet

    7. Promotes a broader world view

    8. Develops self-discipline

    9. Have fun!

    10. It's just plain COOL!  

    Ms. Tolhurst

    (847) 838-8380 or email @





    To See Live Orchestra Concerts Click HERE  . 


    You will need to have a Facebook account to access this site.