Residency Info

  • Antioch School District 34 is not a choice school district and all students must attend their home school based on their address.  There are times when the home based school will not work for you and your family due to extreme or unique situations.  If this is the case, please submit a letter to the Superintendent by August 1st.  Families are not notified until August regarding the request and whether it has been granted.


    Certification of Legal Responsibility - Required of adults when they are not the parent or legal guardian of the student they are registering.

    Proof of Residency - List of items accepted as proofs of residency by Antioch CCSD 34.
    Proof of Residency Spanish Version

    Non-District Resident Information Letter - Letter explaining board policy for non-district residents requesting attendance in Antioch CCSD 34.

    Non-District Letter to Superintendent - Letter of application to attend District 34 schools prior to actually residing within Antioch CCSD 34.

    Non-Parent Custody Letter - This form establishes a child's residency in the district when the child is not living with a natural or adoptive parent.

    Residence Letter from Landlord - Letter to be used as evidence of residency when a signed lease is unavailable.

    Student Living with Resident Letter - Letter of residence to be used when the person seeking to enroll a student is living with a district resident.

    Frequently Asked Questions