Flyers for Virtual Backpack

  • District 34 is a "green" district distributing information from nonprofit organizations and intergovernmental agencies, or from business partners whose purpose is to further an activity or program initiated or sponsored by the district. Rather than sending flyers home with students via backpack (which previously only took place at the elementary level), we will post such information on this D34 E-Flyers Web page for all to see. It is estimated that this will save nearly 2,000 hours per year in sorting and handling of these materials, not to mention trees and other resources.

    If an organization chooses, a limited number of flyers will also be available in school offices for students or parents to pick up.

    To Post a Flyer

    Those wishing to submit information to be posted must do so electronically by emailing a completed E-Flyer Request for Virtual Backpack form and a PDF of the flyer to Kathy Hogan (see form below) at the District 34 District Office at least 10 days in advance of the desired posting date.

    Prior to submitting, please read details regarding our D34 E-Flyer Posting Requirements.

    Antioch Community Consolidated School District 34 neither recommends nor endorses the programs or organizations posted on this page. Distribution of informational material is for the convenience of District 34 students and families and does not imply endorsement by the district.

    D34 E-Flyer Posting Requirements

    Distribution of all materials must be approved through:
    Antioch School District 34 Administration
    964 Spafford Street, Antioch, IL  60002


    The following criteria will act as guidelines for consideration of all materials submitted for online distribution:

    1. Actities should have a community-wide appeal and be significant for the portion of the population served by the boundaries of District 34.
    2. Include the following information on your flyer:  "The distribution of this information and materials through the school district does not imply District 34 endorsement."
    3. The district will not approve anything that requires solicitation for local service organizations.  The district will not participate in the collection of money or pledges.
    4. Distribution of materials for commercial organizations other than official school-business partners will not be permitted.  School-business partners may only promote those events which meet an educational focus for our students or parents.

    E-Flyer Request for Virtual Backpack


    If you have any questions, please email Kathy Hogan at