• Welcome to the ELC PBIS Website!
    Remember to Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible

    Purpose Statement


    PBIS will provide a proactive and positive educational environment in which all those that enter feel a sense of belonging and community.  The ELC will be a place where children are able to learn and achieve at high levels academically because the expectations of safe, respectful, and responsible behavior will be taught and then reinforced through the use of clear and common language by all staff. 


    What is PBIS?


    PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports.  The program is used as a means of encouraging positive behavior throughout the school.  Students are encouraged to be safe, respectful and responsible.  When students are observed behaving in this manner, they can receive a GOTCHA.  The students then have an opportunity to receive classroom incentives with the GOTCHA's earned.



    Why use PBIS?


    PBIS is a wonderful behavior program that is used in many schools throughout the United States. The program is based on rewarding students for their good choices, in order to promote positive behavior throughout the school climate.